
Grain cooling units for worldwide use from Germany

"Made by FrigorTec" quality

At FrigorTec quality is the top priority. Certification according to ISO 9001:2015 is proof that we "think" quality through and implement it in all processes. Our employees play the most important role in this process, and we value their qualifications and expertise highly. Only specialists are involved in the FrigorTec production process: Refrigeration system technicians (mechanical engineers for refrigeration equipment), electricians, insulators and machine builders. Engineers of physical, building and air-conditioning technology work in the technical departments, as do process, mechanical and electrical engineers.

In order to continuously maintain our product quality at the highest level, all FrigorTec devices without exception undergo a trial run. In a process lasting several hours, not only are the safety functions of our refrigerator units and heat pumps tested, but their performance is also measured and our own production quality tested.

At our company, individual developments and series are in the best hands. Whether in design, development, production, or on one of the trial run stations: FrigorTec provides a suitable solution.

As an authorised economic operator and AEO-certified company, we have the right of customs simplification for all exports. FrigorTec was already granted accreditation according to § 6 of the chemical climate protection ordinance (ChemKlimaschutzV) in 2009. We were thus the first company in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg to achieve this. In addition, we also check our suppliers and partner companies regularly.

All this has led to a variety of measures and activities that you have appreciated for years now: Absolutely reliable, qualitatively high-end refrigerator units and heat pumps.

Quality, Health and Safety Policy

Our goal is to be the global market leader in market niches. With our worldwide presence, our comprehensive product range and our innovation leadership, we have a strategy to achieve

With well-trained employees and consistent quality control, we ensure the high quality of our products.

We secure our future with permanent innovation.

We are convinced that healthy employees in a healthy environment are our most valuable asset. They are the basic prerequisite for performance and thus for economic success and job security at FrigorTec.

Health protection at the workplace as well as accident prevention and plant safety form the basis for this. Therefore, we promote health awareness as well as safe working in order to exclude or minimise work-related health risks of our employees.

We integrate all employees into the improvement process by explicitly calling for suggestions for accident and damage prevention, for the improvement of preventive health care and health protection, and also implement these suggestions after they have been reviewed by the company management with regard to suitability and feasibility. We continuously review all activities with regard to their impact on occupational safety as well as health and environmental protection and adapt them to the current circumstances. An open dialogue on this with our employees, the public and the authorities is important to us and is conducted as transparently as possible.

Our managers and employees at FrigorTec are obliged to comply with the legal regulations and company requirements (binding obligations) in occupational health and safety at all times. They are to protect their health and that of other employees. In all operational actions, care must be taken to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses. The management shall provide the necessary resources for this purpose.

Our own development department in cooling technology

In-house development

Every refrigerator unit and heat pump is designed in-house at FrigorTec. For this, the employees in the Development & Design department can fall back on experience spanning over 60 years.

Cooling units with cabling of measurement and control technology

Modern control technology

During production, the FrigorTec electricians execute the cabling for the entire measurement and control technology.

Cooling technology products directly from the leading manufacturer

Precise production

Special care is required when producing refrigeration technology. This is because no dirt or moisture can enter the refrigeration circuit while work is in progress. The conscientious preparation of all soldering points, as well as inert gas soldering, contribute strongly to the long lifespan of our refrigerator units and heat pumps.

Multi-hour test run after manufacturing of the cooling units

Testing under customer conditions

After production, each device undergoes a trial run lasting several hours in the FrigorTec technology department. Here, all the performance values and safety equipment are tested under customer conditions.

Services that increase the added value of cooling units

Service, 365 days a year

The FrigorTec service is available 365 days a year. Should the need arise, our specialists can use our well-equipped service vehicles to provide quick assistance. The most important replacement parts are always on board too.

Cooling unit manufacturer with ISO 9001:2015 certification

Certified quality

FrigorTec is of course certified according to ISO 9001:2015.
